Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I'm staring at an empty glass bottle called "FUZE: Healthy Infuzions." This cranberry/raspberry drink was provided by one of the New Hope staffers as she did the weekly devotion. I've kept it on my desk as a reminder.

Early this morning (6:15am) as I was setting up my computer, I noticed the irony of something marketed as infusing, while at the same time on the label emphasizing that it is "slenderizing." I started thinking how can anything both infuse me with something as well as slenderize me? It seems that even though we are putting something into us (which by definition makes us bigger), the right things that are infused can have a slenderizing effect.

What are the "right" things in our lives? What things do we do that at first glance occupy our time, but when looking deeper actually create time, joy, peace, etc? This is similar to the cash flow concept from yesterday. Just like we need to make sure profits are grounded in positive cash flow, we need to make sure we have infusions into our life (that take our time) that actually have a slenderizing effect on who we are.

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