OK, so I've been on a little sabattical with posting crawling to about 1/week. This past weekend I was the lead in 3 performances of our Christmas dramusical which can be exhausting when you factor in practices, etc. It really was a blast but left me tired as I spent some afternoon time with the family watching the Vikings kick some 49er butt. Could this team really make the playoffs?
I have so much passion building up inside of and at some point you are going to see it come flying through in these blogs. For now, I've got too much going on with just finishing final assignments for my last MBA class and preparing for the residency this coming weekend... along with 3 more performances this coming Sunday.
But you just wait... when I come out of the shoot with some of the stuff I've been hinting at, you are going to feel like a gust of wind just knocked you on your can. Basically, I am tired of seeing the "unacceptable social injustices" continue to take place.... it is ridiculous that anyone go hungry or sleep outside in the cold. There, that's your teaser..... I promise, more to come!
Monday, December 10, 2007
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Boy, I sure hope he let's me keep my saltine crackers.
I'm excited for more of your posts! You have so much good to share. It's not about writing what you're up to each day (although that often is interesting). You have many, many thought-provoking ideas about how the world should be, how we can be change leaders, how we can live better lives, etc. Blog on, my friend. We're waiting for you!
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