Sunday, December 30, 2007


We've scaled back quite a bit on Christmas over the past few years and I, honestly, don't get that much -- part of that is my own problem in being tough to buy for. But this year, I received a stocking stuffer that probably cost about 75 cents that was my favorite present.

It is not uncommon for my brother & I to put goofy things in each others stockings.... This year I contributed mashed up hot dog buns, bread, macaroni, and butt paste in peoples stockings (there actually is such a thing as "butt paste" and it makes a great stocking stuffer). So I was not surprised to see a can of spinach in my stocking - I assumed it was related to the fact that we were forced to eat spinach as a kid which absolutely grossed me out.

However, as my brother explained it, my wife and I were both touched. My brother realizes that I am on the verge of a "Popeye" moment. These are the moments I've blogged about before where people reach the point of "That's all I can stands and I can stands no more" and then act on it. It's no secret that there are some social justice issues burning in me, that are holy discontents, that are bubbling into popeye moments. My bro is expected 2008 to be a year where I "eats my spinach" because I reach a point of seeing all that I can stand in certain areas.

The thoughtfulness of this gift meant a lot to me; it encouraged my spirit more than he or anyone else will ever know. Stay tuned! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.


Hoot said...

When I read your stuff, I notice that you try very hard to say it just right. The world is full of people who spend a lot of time trying to say it just right. So when you preach a message and say it just right, all that tells me is that you spent a lot of time finding the best way to say it just right. Since anyone can spend a lot of time finding the right words to say it just right, I'm not impressed anymore.

I'll tell you what does impress me.

This morning in the second service, you preached the best message I ever heard you preach. And it was not your words.

It was your passion.

It is impossible to fake passion.

I was impressed.

Steve Fredlund said...

Hey "hoot"... not sure who you are, but thanks for your encouragement around the message yesterday. I am incredibly passionate about "Defiant Hope" and was actually trying to tone it down so I wouldn't lose it.

I'm not sure how to react to your "finding the right words" comment. I appreciate your candor on this, but honestly, when I blog there is no re-writing or trying to say it just right. I just write from my heart and often, if I re-read it, I realize it was very disjointed, etc. So I do not "spend a lot of time trying to say it just right" but instead just write what I feel compelled to right. My writing has never been about trying to impress anyone... my blogging was a challenge from my mentor and others to just put down my thoughts on paper so I can look back on my journey and include others with me as I walk out my story. I guarantee you I do not spend a lot of time finding the best way to say it just right... like this response, for example, is a one shot deal. Sometimes what I write I later regret because I don't take more time to think it through. But such is the nature of blogging.

Glad you are reading and I appreciate your feedback. I get a lot of email responses, but usually people don't post their comments. Later....

Hoot said...

People don't post their comments because they are forced to subject themselves to the scrutiny of someone else who is much smarter. It can be frightening.