Sunday, December 2, 2007

Unacceptable Issues

I've been talking with the editor of a local paper about the potential of becoming a regular contributing writer. We talked about what that could look like and where the topics may arise.

One thing I have been growing increasingly passionate about are those things in our society that are absolutely unacceptable. I'm talking about things like hunger, poverty, and homelessness. There are issues that anger me such as child prostitution, slavery, etc, but these are very complex issues to solve. There is no reason why anyone should be going days without food or living weeks without homes..... there is more than enough food in the world to feed everyone (the problem is not food production, but food distribution) and there is enough capacity to build homes and shelters that people should not be spending a Minnesota winter on the sidewalks. These are unacceptable to me and I'm starting to feel like Popeye.... "That's alls I can stand I can't stands no more."

Perhaps my role for such a time is this is to open the eyes of others, create a groundswell of anger and demand for change, and then help strategize solutions. Perhaps my role is to start editorializing about it on a local level and see what happens. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps....

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