Monday, March 24, 2008

Book Update 2

So, I'm sitting at the MSP airport waiting for a flight to NYC. I took the offer of a $300 voucher, first class on the later flight with a hot meal, and some airport food to get bumped to a later flight. It wasn't that tough of a decision, because I feel like I had a book breakthrough last night. I've been pounding out the book since Wednesday night (whenever I wasn't lured away by Tracy, the kids, Easter dinners, Game Cube, March Madness, or family movie night). OK, so I didn't write as much as I wanted... but I did write some. I finished about 54 pages (double sided) which I was pleased with. But last night, after talking a bit with my genius wife, I got an idea that I've been running with ever since. So this morning, the decision to wait on a flight to give me more time as well as bumping to 1st class (I've never ridden 1st class) to allow me to work on the laptop on the flight, was an easy decision. I'm cranking on the book write now like a little kid in a candy store. Who knows if this new approach (which is a different lens, but still largely the same information) will stick, but I'm excited to run with it. Thanks to those of you who have encouraged me by phone or email; I don't deserve friends like you, but I'm grateful. Your encouragement has helped keep me motivated. Latedr...


Anonymous said...

I like it topic

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I can help nothing. I think, you will find the correct decision.