Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Book Update

So I started writing my book tonight. I'm just approaching it as a mind dump of ideas that I'm trusting will congeal over time. I started with an introduction which I thought was kind of fun, not too serious, and gave a flavor of who I am and how I'm wired. It was about 3 pages long and just kind of a warm up; something to give me a little confidence to throw myself into this project. Excited about my first 45 minutes of "work", I was very confident that it would be "safe" to show my lovely bride.

Let me take a moment here to let you know that we've been married about 16.5 years and she is the most honest person I've ever met. It used to really annoy and anger me, but over time I've learned to appreciate that so much. I always know how she feels and where I stand. I once sang a song at church (many years ago) and when I got back to my seat knowing it wasn't that great, but expecting some comforting encouragement from my bride. Her first words to me were, "Well, once you pick a key you stick with it."

Now, back to my early story. She read the introduction I quickly sketched out. The first words out of her mouth..."It's cute." I'm not sure I need to comment any further here. Apparently I missed the mark quite dramatically on my introduction. So, anyway, for those of you who have been asking about my book and potentially might be interested in reading it... you may need to change your expectations.... my working title is now, "A cute approach to discovering leadership." We'll see, maybe we can de-cute it before it goes to print.

1 comment:

Larry Fredlund said...

I want to read the cute version!