Thursday, October 18, 2007


There were a lot of similarities with the two funerals in three days that were just finished. Both people died from cancer. Both families had time to grieve before death actually occurred. Both had incredibly close relationships with family & friends. And both lived the kind of life that makes me want to be a better man.

Dan Crocker's life and legacy spur me on to be generous with my time, to give freely, to love deeply, and to live life without regret.

Adina Schminkey's life and legacy spur me on to be courageous, to live life large and to not be identified by what has happened to me, but by who my true identity is.

Dan and Adina have both challenged me to be a better man. They both lived lives that inspire me and others. They both have spurred me on to love and good deeds. When my earthly time comes to an end, I would be honored to have such a legacy of either of these two heroes.

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