Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Live Life Large

I believe that God calls us to live life large; to not shrink back; to do what we were designed to do with reckless abandon. However, the achiever & driver in me often contort that to simply mean go, do, be, achieve, push, prod, lead, etc. I believe those are things I'm designed to do, but I also think each of us were designed for times of pure refreshing which was modelled for me yesterday by my daughter.

My wife & I were looking for her; yelling her name both inside and outside with no response. Finally, my wife went to the back yard and saw her swinging on the swing with her iPod on and her eyes closed. My wife was able to get her attention before I ever saw her, but I can envision the picture. Eyes closed; legs pumping; head back; hair blowing in the wind; mouth singing away or smiling. Yeah... that's living life large.

There are times I do it, but I need to find more time to pump my legs on the swing, put on the iPod, and let me hair blow in the breeze. We probably all do.

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