Friday, September 14, 2007

Shower ZZZs

I love long showers.

I think it is related to my love of just being on thewater in a boat - fish are optional, but being on and around water is something that rejuvenates me. During my long showers I sometimes plan the day, sometimes pray, sometimes let the water drain my tension away, sometimes imagine my sinful self and how God washes the dirt off of me, sometimes I rehearse a talk/speech/skit I will be giving, and sometimes I think I fall asleep. I don't know if I literally fall asleep, but the water puts me in such a relaxed place that I think it has the same effect.

I was reminded about all of this as my 7-year old daughter told me this morning,"Remember when I fell asleep in the shower?" My daughter and one of my sons (along with me) love long showers. A couple years ago, my daughter was taking a long shower and I went to check on her. I called her name, but no answer. When I opened the shower door, there she was laying on the floor of the shower, mostly covering the drain, sound asleep with the water about 1/2 inch deep. Aside from the natural parent"scared" stuff, I didn't know what to think. "How tired must she be?" or "Is she OK?" At the end of day, I think she's just like me.

For me, there is something about the water. Perhaps I need a water bed...... T?

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