Saturday, July 28, 2007

Group bloggin'

Our small group (all 4 of us!) met on Friday night and had some great relationship-building, honest discussion. We also chatted about what we should "do next" as a group and among those things we decided, we started a blog (this is not open to the public, but only the four of us have access). We thought this would be a great way to stay more connected throughout the course of the week and allow our thoughts to crystalize and be challenged prior to our weekly get togethers. We are only two days into this thing and I can already see that this will be a great thing. One of our small group members ended their blog entry with, "Love you guys" - this is cool because this person would likely not say this in person even though the love is evident. The blog also allows each of us to really think before we write; we're not so much "on the spot" as we reply or add new insight.

My point is not to share with you all the process by which we run our small group; but there is an interesting dynamic associated with blogging. For me personally, the blog you are now reading has been (as one of my readers suggested) therapeutic and a great creative outlet for me. What I'm finding already in our small group blog is different, but deeply valuable. In both cases there will be history to look back and see how perspectives have changed; in both cases there is more intentionality; in both cases I am often surprised at where things go once I start typing.

Until I started this blog a few weeks ago, no one in our small group (including me) had ever read or posted a blog... but yet we are all excited for the possibilities. Some might argue that it is not face time and therefore is not valuable; but I think it will definitely enhance our group and lead to even deeper relationships. I don't understand completely why it seems to work so well (maybe its just a fad), but I'm enjoying my personal sharing and now this group interaction.

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